Victor R. Volkman is proud to bring you a new podcast stream devoted entirely to airing authors talking about their work. This new program, entitled Authors Airwaves, will feature selected authors reading from their work, being interviewed, and providing brand new never-before heard material. Our authors range from the inspirational to the pragmatic and I’ll be posting one new audioblog right here every Friday. Authors Airwaves is a production of Loving Healing Press.
What a great idea! How do you select the books/authors and can an author/publisher/publicist propose a book/author?
Hi David!
Thanks for posting the first-ever comment to the blog 🙂
Right now I am working from archival material which has rarely if ever appeared before the public ear. However, I am willing to receive a proposal for non-fiction books. Just email me a dozen talking points, your title and ISBN, and I promise to get back to you in a couple days.
Meanwhile, be sure to visit our sister-site, for valuable tips on how to succeed in publishing and promoting your work before, during, and after going to print.