Upon returning to civilian life after a two year enlistment in the Marines, David found himself with nightmares during sleep, intrusive thoughts while awake, a hypervigilant stance combined with an exaggerated startle reaction, and a seeming inability to control basic emotions like anger and sadness. The price he paid for what would only be diagnosed decades later as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder was broken marriages and relationships, inability to hold a job, uncontrollable rage, and finally bankruptcy. David’s journey of redemption will be inspirational to anyone who is a veteran or has a loved one who has served. |
This is an excellent acltrie on some of the options available to caregivers. Taking care of a loved one with Alzheimer’s can be a difficult task, and this acltrie provides great information on a number of available resources. Adult day care centers like Active Day can provide care, companionship, and much more for your loved one. Consider adult day care for your loved one. It provides a great alternative to traditional care, with many locations and affordable options.