Frances Shani Parker is a writer, consultant, and hospice volunteer. Her writing has won awards from Writer’s Digest, the Poetry Society of Michigan, the Detroit Writer’s Guild, Broadside Press, and the New Orleans Public Library. Among publications including her work are Black Arts Quarterly (Stanford University), Warpland: A Journal of Black Literature and Ideas (Chicago State University), and Voices of the Civil Rights Movement (AARP). Among venues at which her poems have been read are the International AIDS Conference in South Africa and “Artists Among Us,” sponsored by the Michigan Wayne County Council for Arts, History, and Humanities.A former school principal, Parker has had essays and poems published in the educational arena, particularly on service learning, a teaching and learning method that connects classroom learning with meeting community needs. She has been honored as “Outstanding Educational Administrator” by the Metropolitan Detroit Alliance of Black School Educators and “Educator of the Year” by the Wayne State University Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa, an international, professional fraternity for educators. |